Shipping & Delivery

Hello and welcome to shipping and delivery page! BonHoa Pharmacy offers several payment and delivery methods, so you have an opportunity to choose which one is the most convenient for you. We will make every effort to ensure that delivery and receipt of your goods should be stress-free. 

  • 100% Delivery Guarantee

    We will dispatch your medicine within 24 hours of receiving the order (Except Public Holiday).We will keep in touch with you at various stages of the ordering and shipping. In case of order confirmation, as soon as an order is authorized for payment, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of your orderIt’s very important to let us know if you haven’t got your medication. Simply email our customer service number and they will direct you in the right direction with how to go about the issue. We typically will take care of it hassle-free. We never want any customer to be waiting for a long period of time for nothing.

  • Free Shipment

    If your order over 299 USD, you will be given a free Shipment. 

  • Extra Guarantee

    If your order is damaged in transaction or partially received, we shall dispatch you a new package. You will be guaranteed on your request, If you have not received the package or you received any notification from shipper that your package was returned back to the sender. We strongly suggest you to please send us ticket immediately and we will resolve the all shipping relating problems on priority.