Chemlet (Letrozole) 2.5mg

New product


$154.00 per 100 Tablets

Indications & Dosage

Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor indicated for:

1. Adjuvant treatment of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive early breast cancer

2.  Extended adjuvant treatment of postmenopausal women with early breast cancer who have received prior standard adjuvant tamoxifen therapy

3. First and second-line treatment of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive or unknown advanced breast cancer

Additional Info

Package Quantity100
WarningsDon't take the drug without consulting a qualified doctor or physician.
Suggested useFollow the doctor's advice
Delivery & Returns7-14 days

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2018-01-16 04:39:07
Fantastic online pharamcy

I had breast cancer lobular year ago, 1.8cm 4 lymph node involved, modified mastectomy, chemotherapy then 34 radiation, then letrozole, and Zoladex, when combination the letrozole and zoladex really hard on me, caused WBC low and liver enzyme elevated, I have a lot of joint pain, but I decided to removed my ovaries and tubes after then will just need to take letrozole, I feel much better, liver enzyme ok, WBC normal now, every morning I will get ACAI bowl for breakfast, really help, I just have mild hot flash , mild muscle ache, if I get up in the morning moving around will go away, also I changed my diet complete vegan, I lost 9 lbs,feel more energy, I went back to Taiwan to have my ovaries and tube removed, pain instantly went away after surgery. BonHoa Pharmacy is really fantastic.

    2017-12-01 11:48:17
    Recommended to all the breast cancer patients

    I've been taking Indian Letrozole for a little over 5 months and have yet to experience any side effects whatsoever. I'd been warned about hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, muscle pain.... Maybe I'll start feeling sick at some point but not yet. I appreciate all that bonhoa pharmacy and Mr. D. Singh gives to me. Hang in there all the ladies!!

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      Chemlet (Letrozole) 2.5mg

      Chemlet (Letrozole) 2.5mg

      Letrozole 2.5mg
